Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Good bye 2008!
It has been wonderful knowing you and being with you all through the year. The fact that I will never see you again is something that pinches me but is abated by the exuberance of the arrival of a new year 2009. You sustained me through joys and sorrows. You have given me pains and pleasures.
I an indebted to you for all the lovely people you introduced to me and I am glad for the difference they could make in my life. I am overwhelmed by the fun you gave me every moment. You taught me that life is like a treasure and the more you explore the more you are humbled by its vastness and intricacy. The lessons you have taught me and the love you have shown me will continue to remind me about the faithfulness of God of wonders beyond our galaxy!!
I hope 2009 will also have in store for me much more fun, adventure, challenges and excitement. No matter who comes and goes no one can replace you. I will not make promises or demonstrate devotion saying "I will not forget you!". All I can say is a simple "Thank you!I really enjoyed your company."
Good Bye 2008!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
White Ribbon Day
How can it be that God is love?
When blood rolls down upon our land
And fathers lose their only son
Where is the hope?
Oh God we pray for white ribbon day
How can it be that you could love?
When blood ran down that wooden cross
Your father gave his only son
You came for peace
You came to die for white ribbon day
And we pray for peace
To flood our hearts again
Only god can save our nation now
And we long for joy to fill our streets again
Only god can save our nation now
How can it be that God is just?
When flesh is torn from young and old
And children run in bloody fields
Where is the hope?
Oh God we pray for white ribbon day
And we pray for peace
To flood our hearts again
Only God can save our nation now
And we long for joy to fill our streets again
Only God can save our nation now
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah for white ribbon day
And can it be that You are just
When flesh was torn for young and old?
And here we stand saved by Your blood
We'll stand with courage
We'll live and die for white ribbon day
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Hallelujah for white ribbon day
Monday, December 15, 2008
What. A. Victory.

What more could one ask for in a test cricket! In a time where the 20-20s and one day forms have been over shadowing Test cricket, this match stands out as an answer to all those in question. No doubt that this has been a pleasure and treat to watch for every cricket lover. Most certainly it was a record breaking performance from India because chasing a huge score like 387( fourth highest) is no joke! Champion knocks from Sehwag who marked the perfect start for India and backed by composed and conitnuous tempo maintaining games from Gambhir, Laxman, Sachin and Yuvi and the bowlers who could previously restrict the English players were all part of this very special and amazing victory. England played well by dominating 70 percent of the match but India played even better and snatched the match away from the visitors. Surely a very very bitter pill for KP and his men to swallow!
But it is a privilege to witness such a victory which could easily be among those unforgettable wins right on the top! Way to go India!! After beating Australia 2-0 in the test series and England 5-0 in the one day series and now going up 1-0, I only wish that this momentum keeps going and we go on to make a World Cup winning team!! Bravo India!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A real break..
So after a long wait in the queue I enter the Shilpakalavedika (for the first time!) and the first impression was not so overwhelming though. The best part was I ran into my ex-manager at the entrance and it was such a heart warming surprise. Finally the show starts after a delay as per the Indian Stretchable Time (IST) and of course it was expected. Anderson, the lead vocalist of Jethro Tull came onto the stage and introduced Anoushka and her team. She was looking small, with a cute smile though! They started the show with a south Indian raaga mixed with her own composition which she called as "Voice of the moon" It was idyllic and pleasurable to the ears. The tabla and flute made it even more enjoyable. She continued with another number of her own composition.
Next it was Jethro Tull and they just rocked the show! I reckon the average age of the band must be around 50 yet the energy and the exuberance they were displaying was awesome. Especially Anderson, by whose flute and vocals the band is characterized has been simply brilliant. He was all over the stage, standing on a single leg most of the time and doing acrobatics. Hats off to his enthused performance! Needless to say the variety they had (guitars, drums, mandolin, flute, harmonica and some other instruments names of which I do not know!) the perfect timing and amazing sync. They played some of their all time hits like "Thick as a Brick", "Too Old to Rock n Roll" and "Heavy Horses" . Moreover there was no screaming and screeching like in the usual rock shows!
As they say the best is saved for the last, I was smitten by the fusion by both Jethro Tull and Anoushka. It was a perfect blend of Classical and Western music forms. This provides a huge platform for our Indian music to reach to better heights in today's world of music. I thoroughly enjoyed the fusion part and that stands out to be the highlight of the show for me!
All in all amidst all the rallies and chaos lost in the storm of terrorism, this was a good break for me and I am sure for all those who were a part of this concert!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Break the Habit....
Our country needs to be prudent enough to be prepared for such outrageous attacks on innocent people in advance. And if they fail in that, they atleast need to promptly respond to the stimulus when terror breaks out in an unimaginable manner. If they are not able to convert any one of these, then they just need to quit and give the compass to others who can handle it. There is no hierarchy of power, no balance of information, no availability of resources, no preemptive efforts and no cooperation from the high command. If the attacks on Mumbai are what the Government is waiting to tighten their Intelligence, Law and Order then it is a shame on them. If they are not able to see beyond the invisible, then how are they different from the common man?
My home is no more a safe place for me to stay! Where do I take shelter then? It is extremely disgraceful to watch the foreigners dread to come to our country. I feel like an untouchable when guests are just leaving my home and going away. The trauma that each hostage faced is incomprehensible. Every second is like a million years for them. But on the outside for the people who are supposed to protect a million years is like a second! Why should the NSG wait until morning 11:00 am to go to the battle field? Why should the M-17s be deployed only 24 hours after the attack?
For me it is no more the Prime Minister or the Home Minister who are in control. The situation reflects the media having the utmost concern for the victims. It is they who actually are on their toes to rise to the occasion. If they can keep the people aware and sympathize with them, if they can make conclusions and draw solutions, then why cannot the Home Minister have the minimum courtesy to do so? Amidst these chaos and frantic fears it is the opportunistic politics that leaders can think of. The mediocre speech delivered by the PM had nothing in it. Not a word of comfort, not a word of assurance! Expecting just a line from my very own leader is a big joke!
Our pledge says and I quote “To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness” I hope the Home Minister acts like a citizen at the least. He seems to be happy in our ill being and destruction alone! What protection was he able to give to the ATS Chief? How can he send a 56 year old man dressed in a formal blue shirt and black trousers into the war zone? These people should be the master minds behind the operation and make things happen. Their duty is to run the show and not to play the game. Now how invaluable has it turned out to have lost him. Can you get back the experience, exposure and knowledge lost? Do you see Osama Bin Laden coming and fighting anywhere? Do you see the Al Qaeda or the Lashkar chiefs coming into the battle fields? They steer the rod, they maneuver the troops.
Where is the distribution of power? Where are the secured guidelines? Where is the integrity? Where is the coordination of groups? Where is the use of technology? How can we tackle the terrorists if we take a back seat in using the most modern infrastructure to counteract them? The terrorists make the best use of all the available resources to keep themselves well equipped and well informed at all times. If they are smart then we need to be smarter and that is how it works!
It is time to break the habits of those lapses in security, intelligence, law and order. Give the people in command what they need. Give them the power to take decisions independently and swiftly. Give them the authority to handle situations in their own way while monitoring them. Structure the Intelligence personnel and allot defined duties and responsibilities. Delay is poison and it will only make the infection worse and eventually fatal! This incident is going to change the world view of our country. I cannot fathom the isolation that we will have to face for the coming years. The damage caused in the minds of those country men and outsiders can turn out to be irreparable.
Power, knowledge, determination and accountability alone can instill a sense of security among the citizens. It is better to fix the disease in the early stages than mess up in the advanced conditions. The diagnosis needs to be done and transformed into complete solutions. Let today be a hard and strong reminder of our faults and a lighthouse to direct our future.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I wish...

I am dying to see the dawn…
Wallowing in my fears, hanging in hope
My reality is my only nightmare
I can’t succumb anymore to this pain
When is the day of deliverance?
The moon and stars are lovely
Lo! Their light is drowned in my darkness
I can’t wait any longer to see the day
Oh! It’s the next revulsion of this life
Yet another day of dismay passes by…….
I am struggling to hold back my tears
The fear of the future is weaker than
The power derived from my past….
I am a soldier but I am also human
I fight unto death and I fight for life
There is no mine; it’s all yours…..
There is no turning back until death….
Tired of washing the blood of my fingers
I am today; there may not be a tomorrow….
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Quantum of Discomfort!
Too much of talking, relatively less action and kinda creepy sentiment which made it all the more drab! It was vengeance for his so called love in the previous movie but I was all the while so confused! I dint make head or tail until half time and was expecting for something to actually break through after the break! But I still had to break my head!
There is hardly anything that stands out..even the much hyped Bond theme for the season given by Alicia Keys and Jack White also did not seem to impress me...All in all it was an OK types of movie with not much to be considered except for the hard work put in by Craig to make a mark. He might be a topic for the critics but does not seem to be the Bond that people like me watch out for!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Fools of the Nation!
Boy! What a dialogue? I know it is in contrast to this well known quote which goes something like this "Before you ask what the country has done for you, ask yourself what you have done for the country." I could not agree more but all the while I would also want my country to love me right? I mean with all these chaos in Maharashtra and unrest in Bihar, Orissa and UP, there are many who would be echoing along with me. People are being killed, beaten, brutally harassed and the list will go on. But where is that assurance that I am longing from my country. Where people are ready to die for this country, all I see is people being killed. When is the line going to be drawn? Can it get worse than now? I suffer from insecurity, lack of assurance, lack or protection, deprivation of justice and the only thing that keeps me alive is hope.
I wish there was some potion of wisdom which these people can drink. A potion that will wake them up from the night mares we are living in. Or on the other side I wish there was some anaesthesia for the country men to endure all lamentation and grief without any sensation of pain and shame. It is no more the rulers of the nation running the country but I see the fools of the nation gaming with peoples lives. I guess that would be a perfect title for a movie to let go of all the vexation that is piling up like the lava under the mountain waiting to erupt like a volcano. Yes they are the "Fools of the Nation!" They need help before they turn into a bunch of sissies rolling in the dirt rather than cleaning it up.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Lousy Lucy!!
I read two books recently To Kill a Mocking Bird and The Catcher, In the Rye and it was irritating to find that the best part of both the books was to do with the bro-sis sentiment. I am no hater of that sentiment though but just that I don't get to see that in my real life actually chafes me!! Anyways I count these to be fortunate to atleast remind me that there is such thing in life!! Well I would recommend the first book which is all about these wild childhood dreams that we have had. Harper Lee did an excellent job is recording the emotions and drama of a little girl who is ever enthued and tomboyish!! I guess that was why I could identify myself very much with it. And ofcourse the angry young man types of brother that she had was just like my bro!
I remember once when I was around 10-12 years old and my bro was just one and a half year elder to me. We were getting bored to death during our vacation and decided to play cricket. I always had this attitude not to go and ask my brother. So he came up to me and asked if I would like to play cricket. Girls as you know have this knack of making people beg. So I allowed my brother to convince me for quite sometime. My Mom knew my trick and smacked me on my back and told me not be a sissy..Are mothers really our best friends??? That was what I thought...Finally I set out to play on a condition that I would bat first. Obviously there was no toss n all.. The deal was I bat six overs and then I bowl six overs. So I batted happily the first six overs and made my bro run all over the place..Finally it was my turn to bowl and I was kinda tired.. I began to give some lame excuse saying that some cartoon was coming on TV and I would like to watch it...It sometimes sucks when brothers read sisters very well..He knew I was trying to escape and began to force me to bowll which eventually turned into a fight..I ran onto to the terrace to escape him but boy his stamina was lots better than mine..He became real furious! He was catching hold of my neck and threatening to throw me down if I did not bowl for him..Can you believe that?? No right?? I know he was trying to kill me and I was very sure that Shaktimaan will come and kick him while I would be rescued safely! What happened next? Don't ask me..I was so angry that Shaktimaan did not turn up but my Dad came running to my rescue..I mean why Dad?? The rest of the story is the uninteresting part where my bro won my Dad and I had to bowl for the rest of that forsaken day..I only wished it would rain or get dark suddenly due to some solar eclipse...
The second book I would not recommend to anyone! But I am sure people now will defnitely want to read it coz of the curiosity levels pushing up :) J.D Salinger did get excellent reviews for the book but somehow I began to feel much more lousy as I read it... Again the book is about one young fella for whom nothing under the sun except his sister could interest him! Oh how I wish....forget it...Hmm I was kinda getting senti reading all this stuff.....
Anyways I shall go and catch up with some coffee before I sleep off...
More later guys......Ciao...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
McCain Strikes Obama Stands!
One interesting feature of the debate was McCain showing his unprecedented "angry old man" expressions which was not accepted in the right way by most of the viewers. However the republicans say that he spoke like "fighter pilot" and so has been offensive and made his point clear which is required sometimes in a debate. But this point would be highlighted by the Democrats who would be showing the fact that a uncool Senator who cannot control his temperament could be a man they would not want to see in the coming term. Having not watched the first 30min I go by the verdict which says McCain came out stronger but later began to drag on certain personal issues and gave more attention to attacking rather than addressing the actual issues. Obama however did really well by being composed in the end and I think he made more sense to me than McCain.
By opinion polls where democrats were a larger portion of the viewers Obama seems to be significantly leading. Winning all the three debates in a row I think Obama has a slightly greater chance than McCain though today's debate unravelled Senator McCain's best! So McCain won most of the points but lost the debate. This looks like the path for McCain's win is narrowing down with three strikes in a row!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
None to care for a Nun!!
It has been around 40 days since this atrocity took place in Kandhmal where a Nun was brutally dragged on the road and raped in broad daylight. All this happened while the locals and even the police men were standing "like stones" in her words just as spectators. There was another Father who tried to fight back and protect the sister. But these criminals poured kerosene all over the Father and threatened to burn him alive. She went around begging for help crying that she was like their sister and mother but in vain. Hiding behind the police men did not refrain these anti social elements from pulling her hair and getting hold of her neck and tearing her saree, her blouse and eventually her bra. One of them fell on her, harassed her and raped her. They were also speaking among themselves that 100 of them will gang rape her and leave her on the street followed by monstrous laughter's. It might sound gross but these are exactly the words used by her to describe the incident a night mare which she chooses not to forget.
It was more than 40days that she filed an FIR and until now there was no action or atleast a response from the police. Even the media comes to its senses only now to focus on the incident and make it an issue. Probably they were too busy covering the Nuke deal, Orissa floods, the Home Ministers' overdressing and all the entertainment news!!! I reckon the injustice against the minorities seem to draw their attention only to a minor proportion. Better late than never, media now looks to mount pressure on the state government while the Centre is still battling with their thoughts about imposing President's rule. If stopping such violence is one task then heeding to the rescue of the victimized so far is another important task. This injustice against Christians is being condemned by people all over the world. It is an insult to India if it ignores its duty to protect the minorities and make sure security measures are provided.
The sister is in no fluctuation to fight for justice. She says she still has the mental and physical strength to see that justice is done and all those people including the onlookers are subjected to punishment. She says she has lost faith in the Orissa police which is an utter shame to them. I being an optimistic minority (christian) literally lost hope and can give in written affirming such things will definitely repeat in the future and will again lack the prudence of the police. India is losing the dignity and pride of boasting about itself as a secular country with such abhorrent incidents and indolent administration.
God save India!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I aint...........
I aint have the heart to feel
I aint have the love to live
I aint the person I wanna be
Where is the honey? Where is the touch?
Sour and malign is all I am
My thoughts subtle and catastrophic
Flickering lights pass by my night
Death in my life and in my dreams
I reckon it will soon be over
Can it get any worse than now?
My present has leveled my past
Happy hours ecstatic days
No more whining and groaning
I reckon it will be the end
It’s gonna be fine!!
I’m gonna live it through!!
Lukewarm start!!
With a 1-0 lead more than three quarters of the match the Reds just could not handle the pressure and possess the ball to pocket a win. Neither did the entry of their star player Ronaldo and the attacker Tevez bring any luck to Dr.Alex. However Kalou from Chelsea who was substituted did make a difference with an easy go header in the 80th minute to draw the match in the end. Reds continue to tail the EPL table and are yet to warm up a level from their mediocre performances. They need to settle down soon and pull up their socks!! Specially the costly Berbatov needs to get acclimatized to ManU as his game was all over the place today.
The arch rivals Arsenal do have some good news with todays result as they top the chart but have in shelf all the bigs game ahead. Way to go ManU!! You guys still rock!! :D
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Alcohol or Alcoholics???
well well before that there is something very freakishly coincidental that occurred today. I was watching TV and randomly choose Z Studio. It was screening the movie "When a man loves a woman". For me love is something which Shakespeare corrupted or the world adulterated. It is much more complicated and intricate than its being depicted largely in today's world. Surely that is completely a different discussion. Nonetheless since the name of the movie sounded attractive I continued to stick on to that channel. Few minutes later did I realize that it was about a couple with two girls and the mother(played by Meg Ryan) was an alcoholic. Though I have not explicitly slept over the whole concept of alcohol, it kept flashing in my mind. And so I decide to write and come here and then am puzzled to check my friend's offline messages trying to elaborate on his point.Okay now that you guys have the background I will get back to where I left.
So what my friend was trying to say was that being an alcoholic is something that may be referred to as a character or to a habit. One cannot hate a person because of his habits but has every right if it is pertaining to the character. So far so good! Sounds fair enough. And then I told him that what I meant was when the habits become too demanding and sneak into the sphere of your character and are in a position to determine a person's integrity. I have seen how alcohol has turned boys into beasts, sons into morons who beat up their mothers, husbands into wives-harassing animals, girls into prostitutes, mothers into unstable and imbalanced parents, fathers into adulterers... So my point is can there be one real good reason for a person to consume alcohol?? Is it to show of the social status, pride or prestige as it is termed as social drinking in today's world?? Or is it to strip of the real character behind the plastic face we see?? Or is it to bring on guts and an emotional high spirit?? Or is it to beat another emotion of miserable and disheartening past?? Or is it just for the sake of besotting or so called habit??
It is not about good or bad. It is about right and wrong. It is about permissible and beneficial. I really wonder if there is any one out there who cares about what I am saying..It might a be dumb meaningless absurd chatter but I think giving it a thought is worth it. Apparently there seems to be more bad than good because of alcohol.. If not why would there be so much of deliberation on restricting alcoholic sales?? Why do people drink secretly?? Why do people buy at the cost of starving their families?? Why is it repeatedly warned that is it destined to degrade your health?? Young folks and teenagers say they have it for fun or may be for that "thrill". But we all know how many people have been victimized because of drunken driving, because of the time pass activity turning into a habitual ritual, lives being torn apart and careers having tumbled down.
What else can I say?? It is left to an individual. We all are rational thinkers and are not blind followers of customs, traditions and more importantly those silly stupid practices. If I am right then stop for a moment and contemplate on what you just read. I may not have convinced you fully because that is not my intention. There is nothing that I would want from you but you should want from yourselves. Having the guts to say no to a crowd who think boozing is an emblem of status is what I call character. Walking away by saying no to a bunch of rovers at the cost of losing your identity is what I call integrity. Living in reality and looking at the problems of life in the face is what I call courage. Standing upright and being yourself rather than pretending to be a hero to cover the coward in you is what I call personality!
p.s To clarify about my previous post..I hate and condemn the alcoholic in a person but not the person himself!
Monday, September 1, 2008
No Pain No Gain!!

I did not know what it is to be an alcoholic until yesterday morning! Ok ok don't get into a cloud potential I meant Workaholic!! But I guess alcohol is more pleasure unlike work-ahol... Anyways I am not going to poke my nose into the discussion of alcohol coz I absolutely hate alcohol and alcoholics...On the other hand I don't like work either.. but atleast I don't hate it...
yesterday my day started at 5:30am and as I started to work from 6:00am... I was unconscious of the fact that a normal human being would have breakfast in the morning. Yaya I was being a work animal! So skipping my morning intake I was completely engrossed in my work ofcourse I was not enjoying it! Nevertheless I had to do it coz "no pain no gain".. Then comes lunch time and still the workahol continued to bewitch..the sway never ended until night 10:30pm..Finally I get to have a light supper.. Working from home is not a bed of roses as some may expect yet it to be. For me it turns out to be a penultimate bed of pains and aches by the time I call it a day.
Anyways I just thought I would sneak out from my workaholic world to breathe some air of the free world!!
Back to my work closet.........
My Redeemer Lives - Team Hoyt
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Villians of the Valley!!
Thanks to Sudhir who directed me to this link!§ionid=3&limit=1&limitstart=1
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Terror strikes again!!!
It is frustrating to the IB and RAW as they are not able to nail those people who are responsible for such atrocious and abominable acts. This is understandable only to a certain extent. Now they have jumped and crossed over that line and need to come to terms and consensus on identifying those insects of the society and burn them alive. I fail to call these acts of cowardice like the other big heads in the nation call. They have the courage to play around with one of the most effficient intelligence groups in the world and they have the grits to grab the nerves of an entire nation and leave them in fear and threat. They are no cowards!! Our fight against terrorism will never end until the end of times. We cannot relax and wash off our hands after a cumbersome process of investigation and interrogation post such incidents without any output. The families who have lost their dear one are unfillable. The void continues to remain and can only be attempted to filled if we ever show them that we are concerned by punishing the cause. The condolences and compensations are equal to dust and rags if they are not converted into justice. The only comfort if I can say that can be rendered to them is to see that all those who were a reason for the deaths are brought to justice and thrown out of the society!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Nothing to fear!!!
You're as good as the best,
As strong as the mightiest, too.
You can win in every battle or test;
For there's no one just like you.
There's only one you in the world today;
So nobody else, you see,
Can do your work in as fine a way:
You're the only you there'll be !
So face the world, and all life is yours
To conquer and love and live:
And you'll find the happiness that endures
In just the measure you give;
There's nothing too good for you to possess,
Nor heights where you cannot go:
Your power is more than belief or guess
It is something you have to know.
There is nothing to fear
You can and you will.
For you are the invincible you.
Set your foot on the highest hill
There's nothing you cannot do.
-- Author Unknown
I'm free!!!
I want to climb the wisdom tree
What do I do? I have no clue
It is raining and I feel blue
No birds out there in the sky
I can't fly but still I can try
I eat I drink I'm tired I sleep
Drowned in daydreams so deep
One and two and three
I'm free and I'm free!! :)
Complacency of Knowledge!!
Knowledge is like an ocean. It can be clearly concluded without much analysis that our knowledge is just like a drop in the ocean. Learning is a continuous process, which excavates the depths of our understanding and worldview. I wonder of the day when we reach a phase of complacency in our lives. Unfortunately reaching that stage would be an implication of our stagnant growth and retarding yearning for more. In other words a complacent satisfaction with present knowledge is the chief bar to the pursuit of knowledge.
In this fast advancing world of politics, power, war, entertainment, sports, love and technology one should strive to search for a moment where there is nothing in excess for us to learn and live. The impeccable fact here is that the more we learn and are mindful of the current affairs, the more lies the weight of accountability on us. I mean you cannot know that your neighbor is dying and do nothing about it. Like the land which sucks up the rain and yields thorns to the one who farmed it, we would turn out to be the unworthy, useless and burnt away lot. This instills a thought whether we should be cognizant of the happenings or not. I opine that we need to be people of stimulus and reaction rather than a dead log of wood. Like a land that absorbs the rain and bears fruit to the one who farmed it!! As it is truly said the great end of life is not knowledge but action.
The right use of knowledge is wisdom. There might be people who have great knowledge but they turn out to be greater fools. So using our knowledge judicially, humanely, lovingly and socially makes you a better human being. If we fail to practice what we preach then we would land nowhere. The right application of knowledge is wisdom. Wisdom would not come knocking at your doorstep but demands to be searched for. So having knowledge differs from being wise. Knowledge speaks but wisdom acts!
Ingestion of the little details of any event leads to more anxiety and apprehension about the future and about the next episode. For some it is a joy to know about new stuff and to venture into versatile fields. For some it is a joy to share the minutest particulars they get to know. Avoiding the situations where you would be the pumpkin in a discourse related to different domains sometimes gets to your nerves. A lover of sports like me may discover something in common with the football fanatics or cricket freaks. This expands the radius of the circle of your knowledge, and ultimately the exchange of ideas and thoughts make you more involved. From then on whether you like it or not you would be sailing on a boat of information and data covering events and the latest buzz.
When you are at the luncheon table or in a cab with your friends or out at an eatery or walking aimlessly on the streets, the best thing you can do is chat with your company. Once you start to follow a serial, a league, a tournament, a reality show or a competition you always end up in interesting conversations with others. Many of our relations are built on all those silly conversations, which strangely end up forming strong roots and bonds. The ingrained witty lines of our friends sometimes crack up the situation to make the atmosphere livelier!
Exchange of information is a beautiful concept in which each one of us is involuntarily a part and parcel of. Its never ending power and never dying significance enthrall me. Early in the morning the news papers and news channels share the latest headlines which when found interesting and buzzing would land up at the breakfast tables, office desks, and women’s gossip zone! Expurgating the actual news, masala is added to it to make it even spicier and by the time the news reaches the last person it would be too spicy to taste! It is ineluctable to say that information does not imply knowledge. On the basis of information, knowledge is built and on the basis on knowledge, wisdom is built. All these three are exclusively distinct and cannot be substituted for the other.
More appealing than knowledge is the feeling of knowledge. It drives you to a high and boosts your confidence. It makes you run the extra mile on the road of cognizance and makes you feel proud. The alarming fact here is man’s memory is volatile and it tends to work like a queue where the old facts drop out eventually as we gather the new. So it is indispensible that we free our brains from the undesirable data. We are drowning in information and craving for knowledge. Nevertheless wanting to know more and extending your boundaries of knowledge is a good practice. This extension makes the unconscious, conscious; the foolish, wise and the poor, rich in terms of knowledge.
The craze for money when replaced by the craze for knowledge would result in a nation of character and integrity. None would be standing on sinking grounds but on solid rocks as their foundations have been laid hard. Rejuvenate those stem cells of knowledge and keep triggering those grey cells frequently so that even unmistakably the feeling of complacency doesn’t creep in and spread like a tumor!
I would like to end with the quote by Socrates “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.”
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Red Blood!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008
Heights of......
Heights of hospitality:
When I being a stranger was welcomed and treated very lovingly by the sisters and the people living there.
Heights of trust:
When the residents took all the medicines the helpers gave without even enquiring and when they did whatever was told without grumbling.
Heights of faith:
When a young orphan girl tells me with jubilation that her mother would come one day to take her home and her wait will end very soon.
Heights of cleanliness:
When most of them -old, physically and mentally challenged maintain the place spic n span and keep their belongings neat and tidy.
Heights of sacrifice:
When little girls who go to schools and colleges simultaneosly render help to the destitutes relentlessly in every possible way.
Heights of endurance:
When a lady bears all the pain caused by her hard stomach filled with the pebbles and chips of stones she eats unknowingly.
Heights of concern:
When a old lady, mentally sick and physically weak tells me that her arm is hurting; when later to my shock I was told that she helps in washing the clothes of others!
Heights of romance:
When a 90 year old man who is almost blind takes a passport size picture of his wife (my old woman -as he calls) from his pocket and cries telling me that she is no more and he misses her!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
After an exciting football thriller between the arch rivals Arsenal, Man utd put them down by 2-1. It was an awesome game with some flip flops starting from the decent missed chances by Adebayor to his controversial hand goal which was later balanced by the hand ball of Gallas earning a Ronaldo converted penalty to the reds and a superb match winning free kick by Hargreaves. This ends the Gunners dream of chasing the EPL title. Now only the 5 point lagging Chelsea can stop united from having their hands on the title.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Does love kill??
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Red Devils march on!!!!

Arsenal are truly guns.. They play a more aggressive and entertaining game which keeps you glued to your seats all the while but unfortunately have been the victims for some dodgy decisions and their manager Arsene Wenger had made substitutions in some games which turned out to be fatal for their title chase. They were the most criticized team but always proved their critics wrong.
Chelsea and Liverpool were a mediocre relatively yet with some flashes of brilliance by Drogba, and Gerrard have found their stand still in the race. After their comfortable march over Roma, I'm awaiting for the dream semi final of Barcelona and Manutd. So with some fate deciding matches ahead its gonna be exciting to watch which one of these teams actually head to their destiny.
From where to where?
“What is your profession?” You can expect a majority to reply “I am into IT/Software.” What does this IT sector contain in itself that people are willingly abdicating their present to step into an uncertain future. It was predicted in the year 2004 that some time between 2008 and 2010, annual export revenues from India's information technology (IT) sector would promisingly hit $50 billion, up from $16.3 billion, which is a spectacular growth curve and is indisputable to become reality with the Satyams, Wipros , Infosys and the like.
Over the years the services sectors like nanotechnology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, aviation, tourism and telecommunication have not been in the limelight for inevitable reasons. Government’s investment into various sectors is destined to have either a direct or indirect impact on the alarming social issues that the country is facing. There has been an undeniable tremendous support and influence of the IT sector on the nation’s economy. Nevertheless what about the services sectors of the country? Especially when all the knowledgeable, elite and eloquent are in a rat race to jump into the IT sector? The so called noble teaching profession now finds itself in equation with the software eccentrics. The IT professionals find it soothing to end their careers as teaching professionals for want of gratification which is often hard to earn all their life. On the other side of the equation are the teachers who unable to resist the fight for resources and luxury find it easier to earn bucks in the IT field.
The standpoint of the Indian government plays a demanding role in deciding where the agricultural, manufacturing and other sectors go from here on. The percentage share contributions of the economic potentiality reflecting agriculture and manufacture sectors to the GDP have not been remarkably impressive over the years. Hardly do we find knowledgeable people pursuing their career in those areas of profession due to fear of deficient pay and ecstasy for the lush of life and a status in the society. India is rich in natural resources and labor. The judicious usage of the available resources can turn the tables over in transforming our society into an estimable one. There is so much of pomp and ballyhoo when it comes to even the minutest detailing of the IT field whereas relatively on the other hand we barely get to see the happenings in the other sectors.
Rather than playing the blame game, it would be encouraging to strive in creating cognizance in our people about the less favored significant spheres of work. Boosting to endeavor to appreciable levels of development and support in other domains would serve in the well rounded development of the nation. At that juncture, we can affirmably state that our country is developing in a holistic point of reference. One day may come when we find civil servants, agriculturists or even scientists in extinction considering the proportion of students engaging to be either doctors or more dominantly software engineers after their 10th grade. Only one of say 100 educatees or even more would actually go for a research study in their field of expertise or for officialdom. To serve the country was putatively a baronial cause to fight for but now it turns out to be the least preferred. It remains questionable about from where, to where have we moved in terms of our world view.
Investigating the ways and routes to reach that zenith where we are ruled by the educated and enlightened front is called for. That would be a day which I would be looking forward for and promisingly be a time when every Indian hopes to find a solution to his age old ever persisting problems of life.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Voice of Hope!!
I almost gave in
I almost lost
This day almost got to me
Into the air my hands I tossed
Almost walked away
Almost cried
Almost threw caution into the wind
Happiness for myself
I almost denied
I felt a brush of love against my face
Wings wrapped around me in a warm embrace
I heard a whisper into my ear...
"Don't you ever give up, I'm right here"